Cancellation & Refunds


If you need to cancel your order, please contact us as soon as possible at the email address provided on our website. We process orders quickly, so we cannot guarantee that we will be able to cancel your order before it is shipped. If your order has already been shipped, you may return it for a refund or exchange (see our Shipping and Returns policy for more information).


Refunds will only be issued in the following conditions.

  • If the product is out of stock.
  • If the product is not delivered for any reason.
  • If wrong product is delivered.
  • If the product delivered is damaged.

Exceptions to Refunds:

We do not offer refunds for gift cards or any products that are marked as final sale.

Promotions and Discounts:

If you used a promotion or discount code when purchasing a product, the discounted price will be refunded. However, if the promotion or discount code has expired, the original price of the product will be refunded.